About Tangela

I became a Seeker in my twenties: How could I calm the chaos of life, shift the narrative within myself, and see substantive change in the world around me? For nearly three decades, I've consulted with thousands of people. They all have one common denominator . . . they want to know, "How can I live my future in a different and more powerful way."

Tangela Johnson

Chief Transformation Officer
Relaxed Power Global

Relaxed Power | Tangela Johnson, Chief Transformation Officer

Tangela Johnson,
Chief Transformation Officer

Meet Tangela Johnson

Tangela Johnson is a leadership development and corporate culture expert, seasoned consultant, executive coach, speaker and author. She’s helped multimillion dollar companies develop healthy, sustainable cultures for more than two decades. In the corporate world, Tangela is known as a powerful thought leader and gifted change agent — and affectionately referred to as “The Fixer” by her clients. As a leadership development expert, Tangela works closely with business leaders to create high-performing, engaged cultures where creativity, accountability, teamwork, and excellence can flourish.

On top of all that, Tangela is also a Seeker of the One Thing that changes everything: learning how to use her time, intellect, and emotions with wisdom and power to get maximum ROI in her own life. She’s taught thousands of Seekers how to bravely reverse engineer their lives to make it what they actually want.

Essentially, Tangela’s primary gifts are that of a teacher and a wisdom coach. You are one piece of wisdom away from living your best life. What hinders you from igniting your greatness? Tangela’s earthly assignment is to help others gain clarity, so they can embrace the life they were purposed to live.

A purposed life creates a multiplier effect on the world. It is living in such a powerful way that your energy and impact extends beyond your mortality. Your life will speak something valuable to the next generation and the next. George Washington Carver said, “No individual has the right to come into this world and go out without leaving behind his distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it.”

This is a spiritual journey for all of us. Reconciling the spiritual and the practical allows your calling to be both effective and productive. It took Tangela many years to decipher her own purpose and greatness. She suspects her journey was long so that she could teach you how to avoid certain pitfalls and embrace the right opportunities to ultimately enjoy the fruits of a purposed life. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to labor to define your uniqueness, so you can live a well-integrated, exciting, called life filled with joy, purpose, and peace.

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