Relaxed Power Global is for Seekers not Sideliners. Individuals and businesses who want something different. They know the “it” factor exists but are having a hard time sustaining the energy and enthusiasm to go it alone. Finding and mobilizing like-minded people feels like an impossibility, but they know in their hearts that their tribe is out there…somewhere.

Mission Statement
Relaxed Power Global is for Seekers not Sideliners. Individuals and businesses who want something different. They know the “it” factor exists but are having a hard time sustaining the energy and enthusiasm to go it alone. Finding and mobilizing like-minded people feels like an impossibility, but they know in their hearts that their tribe is out there…somewhere.
In my world, I meet them every day. I call them Seekers: they are exhausted by the status quo, sick of being and accepting average; they are the few, the remnant, the 10-15% of us who deep down know there is more to life than clawing our way towards soulless profits while jockeying for positions that leave us empty. True Seekers want to live a catalytic, joy-induced adventurous life filled with goodness, power, and impact.
Seekers: People who want to experience real, exponential, accelerated change in themselves and in their organizations; that’s my tribe – the people I want to hang out with AND do business with. – Tangela Johnson
Relaxed Power Global is for Seekers not Sideliners. Individuals and businesses who want something different.
As Seekers, together we’ll do our best to impact this chaotic world. Chaos is an unwelcome change agent. But, Seekers are courageous enough to leverage the chaos, shift the narrative, and tell a new story. Make no mistake, this is a movement.
We want to see substantive change in ourselves, in the marketplace, but more importantly, we want to leave the generations that come behind us with hope.
We’ll find ways to use our talents, gifts, skills, intellect, and our resources to leave the world better than we found it.
Let’s build something that matters; something that lasts, something that makes us all better people and pulls up our neighbor, too.
We’ll do it in our careers, in our businesses, and in our communities. Forward movement produces momentum — it’s a force.
I’m convinced that true, sustainable solutions are in the community of like-minded Seekers.
If you are a Seeker, join us.
We are Moving!
If you’re not ready – no judgment! Personal development is above all…personal. Let me know what’s holding you back. We’ll be here to support you when you’re ready.